Sunday, October 25, 2009


September and most of October is apple picking time in New York. I'm not a fan of apple picking. I have no reason for this. It could just be from over saturation of apple picking growing up.

We went with the other young families in our congregation so that was nice. The weather, on the other hand, not so nice. It was overcast and drizzly.

This is a picture of the same scene as above. I took this one when we were strawberry picking back in June. Apparently I'm teaching my children to be farmers, we do so much fruit picking. Or migrant workers. They can have aspirations for either career.

Brian was in charge of holding the huge bag. Who needs a half bushel of apples? And the kids were in charge of finding apples that were still on the trees.

Due to some heavy winds a lot of the apples were on the ground. Luckily, it took Jamison a while to eat one apple so I didn't have to continually knock rotten apples out of his hands.

Friends! Miss Jan, Emerson, Tamar, and Logan (in utero).

We were lost. There aren't that many directions to go in when you're apple picking but we succeeded in losing all sense of direction. All the trees look a like and there was no sun. Those are two very good excuses.

When I was little we would go to an apple orchard that had ladders ready for you to climb on. Lily depended on Brian for an extra lift to get the higher up apples. He tried to do the same thing with Jamison but Jamie wasn't sure what he was supposed to do so he just tried to climb the tree.

I made three apple desserts in one week in attempts to use up all the apples before they went bad. I wasn't happy with any of the desserts but it could be because pastry dough scares me, so I stay away from the predictable apple pie.
I stuffed the kids with apples for snacks. So much so that when Lily asked for a snack I would head for the apples and she would say - "anything but apples!" For the past few weeks I have found hidden slices of apple under the couch, behind arm chairs, and in a bookshelf. Lily would never hid apples, she would just throw them in the garbage, so that leaves only one other culprit - the boy.


Rachel said...

Boys would NEVER stuff things in couches or behind things if they didn't want you to find them. How dare you blame him!! LOL!!!! Of course they would! I live with 6 of them!

We get a bushel of apples often here and I make homemade applesauce. It is nice because you can make it and then freeze it. Our kids and the boys love it but they don't get tired of it b/c I don't 'overfeed' them!

Rachel said...

Oh, and I love the picture of you trying to eat the apple!